Tuesday 27 December 2011

On the road to Rome?

As a sign of how far the ecumenical spirit has penetrated the protestant, evangelical church in Scotland I need look no further than the Christmas Eve Watchnight Service in Stornoway, which included representatives from the Roman Catholic church, the Church of Scotland and the Free Church and which was broadcast on BBC Alba. Unsurprisingly, this ecumenical event has stirred up some controversy in the Western Isles and further afield. I personally am not surprised after I heard the Rev David Robertson, minister of St Peter's Free Church, Dundee, saying on Radio Scotland that he welcomed the Pope as a fellow Christian when the Pope visited Scotland last year. With influential voices such as that in the Free Church it is not difficult to understand how, in the space of one generation, the Free Church should abandon its fundamental beliefs to the extent of having a joint service with the Roman Catholic Church.

The Free Church (Continuing) may seem like a voice crying in the wilderness as they remonstrate with their erstwhile colleagues, all the more so given their seemingly hopelessly outdated beliefs in the Pope as the Anti-Christ, however events now fast-unfolding in Europe and on the world stage now begin to give some credence to this belief. The Bible makes clear that, in the last days, there will be a global financial system which true believers cannot be part of because it is inextricably linked with a one-world order or government, led by the Anti-Christ. There will also be a false prophet who will encourage all people to worship the Anti-Christ, ie a global false religion. With that in mind, consider the following:

Rome regards all protestants as apostates who need to be brought back into the fold, forcibly if necessary, however the current strategy is assimilation back into the Roman Catholic Church by stealth. Hence the rise in mysticism, icons, labyrinths and monasticism in certain parts of the church, in particular what is called the 'emerging' church. Add to this the ecumenical movement which seeks to portray those who hold to the teachings of Rome as fellow Christians. Then consider the steps being taken to heal the historic breach between the Roman and Orthodox churches, along with overtures from Rome to the Muslim world, who also venerate Mary.

If that doesn't worry you, look at Europe. The European Union is a reincarnation of the Holy Roman Empire (962-1806), which was centred on Germany. All it needs to be complete is political union (which won't be long in coming due to the crisis with the Euro), a common leader and a common religion. No prizes for guessing what that religion will be. If you are still not convinced, take a look at this article and the Vatican article which it references. (The Vatican article is a bit hard-going but do read the last 20 or so lines, which are scary enough even without the rest of it.)

All I can say is that thank God there are still some churches, the FCC included, which have not succumbed to the wiles of Rome. Would that there were more like them!